Thursday, September 30, 2010

Essay - 2nd Draft :]

The very brief relation of the Devastation of the Indies

What would be if there were two groups of people in this world?
 Just two. 
One group is the superior one. They can do whatever they want to do, in a country that is not even theirs. The other group is kept as slaves to work and work until they die. And that is meant literally.
Imagine you would sit at home just doing all the things you do everyday and suddenly there would be men kicking in the door and just take over your life, make it their life. They can do whatever they want to do with your life.
It sounds kind of ridiculous but  it is nearly the same as it happened before. Not just once. Not twice. It had happened often in History. One example of this is the suppression and devastation of the Indies. 
What happened to this people still happens today. Not in the same way. There is no Spanish man on a horse that tries to stab you to death with his sword but still people get suppressed, hurt, beaten or even killed just because of their race or sex.  
When Spanish people came to America in the fifteenth century, they started to take away women and children from the indies, misuse them and force them to do things for the Spanish people.
So the Indies started to try to get the Spanish people out of their land but as their weapons were just to weak against the Spaniard's weapons they were not really successful. 
Even though the Indians did no really have a chance, the Spaniards swore something. 
For every single Spanish person killed by a Native, the Spanish will kill a hundred Natives. 
So as you can tell it ended that a lot of Indians died and they lost a big amount of land to the Europeans.
When the Spanish people took the Indians away from their home and their familiies, they made them work very hard. Unwillingly.
They had to work for white people until they were dead, caused from too much work, starvation or diseases. When an Indian was too old they said 'Why do you give him to me? To bury him?" or when he ws to weak they said 'Do you gve him to me to make him well?'.
They were not treated like humans anymore. They were just things. Things you can deal with, you can refuse, you can treat however you want to, because they belong to you.
A lot of the Natives has to work as divers for finding pearls.
They were just thrown into the ocean to dive and when they wanted to come up again, exhausted and tired from work, they were just thrown in again and again.
It often happened that they never saw the sunlight again, eaten or deadly hurt by a shark and actually nobody cared because you can just replace them with another Indian thing.
Their hair, which was usually black was turned gray from all the salts in the water and so they looked kind of scary to other people, just as a monster or another species.
Although all the things that happened were against the law. Even back in that time.
But noone stopped it. 
No one.

So what would be if this happened again?
It still sounds ridiculous but it really happened and as some people say: History is cyclical.
It could happen again. it coul. It doesnt have to.
Do something against it and dont let it happen again.
What would this world be if you are slaved for other people you do not even know.
What when you just get killed for being ill or too old?
Do not let it happen again because this you are a part of this world and you can change it with everything you do and say.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Scarlet Letter .. Chapter Four -The Interview .. Post #14

When Hester Prynne's husband comes to the jail, he is concealed as a doctor. He was called because of Hester's Baby. In the chapter he is named as Roger Chillingworth. Roger stands for revenge, his last name is separated into two parts: Chilly - which means cruel or inhuman - and worth - wanting to make Dimmesdale speaking out his sin.
Who knows. Is that his real name? Maybe he just uses a wrong name. He is quite clever, so he probably does not want anybody to find out about him by using a false name?
When he came to the jail he was making a pact with Hester.
Nobody knows  that he is there. Nobody knows his name, his face, nobody even knows if he is still alive.
Hester shall not talk again about him. He does not exist anymore.
The other side is that if Hester's husband finds out Pearl's father he'll be quiet. He won't say anything and he won't do anything.
I think I should not believe him. He is associated with a snake.
He could be a liar...

The Scarlet Letter .. Chapter Three -The Recognition .. Characterization Reverend Dimmesdale ..Post #13

Reverend Dimmesdale

Mister Dimmesdale is a reverend in the colony.

He is a young pastor, who has a good education from studying at one of the great 'English Universities, bringing all the learning of the age into our wild forest-land.' (Pg. 61, ll. 19-20) He has a white, lofty and impending brow, large, brown, melancholy eyes and a mouth which, unless when he forcibly compressed it was apt to be tremulous, expressing both nervous sensibility and a vast power of self-restraint. (Pg. 61, ll 23-26)
He had to speak to Hester Prynne, while she was standing on the scaffold. He tried to convince her to speak out the name of Pearl's father. As his lips are tremulous and cheeks are white he may be kind of nervous and frightened. Is it like this all the time or just now? Is he afraid of something?
And what about his voice? It says tha "The young pastor's voice was tremulously sweet, rich deep and broken. The feeling that it so manifested, rather than the direct purport of the words, caused it to vibrate within all hearts, and brought the listeners into one accord of sympathy. Why on earth is he so nice to her? Hasn't she done something really bad that a person that has such a high position as a reverend should not tolerate? Does he know the father? IS he the father? Cheating on somebody with a reverend that is NOT allowed to have sex at all is maybe not the best thing... But it doesn't matter if he is the father or not he has to play some kind of an important role. Why else would he be described in such a detailed way nearly as detailed as Hester's husband?

The Scarlet Letter .. Chapter Three -The Recognition .. Post #12

"And my child must seek a heavenly Father; she shall never know an earthly one!"

Besides that this is associated to the holy Mary again this and the fact, that she holds her daughter as tight to her chest as she can, as she would rather die than giving her child away or just having the possibility that her child could have a bad future. So Hester Prynne is going to be a good mother, caring for her child and not letting anyone else ever take her away. Could that even be an association to the reverend as he has a connection to God?

The Scarlet Letter .. Chapter Three -The Recognition .. Characterization Stranger ..Post #11

The stranger - Roger Chillingworth

The stranger, appearing first in chapter 3, is a small and old man with 'a furrowed visage'. He claimes that he is a wanderer, going southward coming from a heathen-folk. Moreover he is the Husband of Hester Prynne, which he tries, for now successfully, to hide. As a consequence of this he is also known as Master Prynne.
In that chapter he is talking to a townsman about himself, just the townsman doesnt know who he is.
He says that Master Prynne has been in Amsterdam for two years and his wife came without him.
So obviously Mr. Prynne lies at him by not telling him about his identity.
He is quite smart ["There was remarkable intelligence in his features..." Pg. 56, ll. 13-14] and it seems like that he thinks over his words before he says something [" tell me of Hester Prynne's, - have I her name rightly?-of..." Pg. 57, ll 24-25 (That tells that he doesn't want anybody to know that he knows Hester. So he asked again for her name)]
As he is compared to a snake ["... like a snake gliding swiftly over them, and making on little pause, with all its wreathed intervolutions in open sight." Pg. 56, ll. 31-33], he is described as a man that is as well wicked, cunning and clever, which are the meanings of a snake.
As snakes are most green, or at least shown and associated as green, which stands among others for money maybe she had to marry him for his abundance?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vocabulary words (Fielding is killing us by taking 3 words...) ..obtuse . adroit . deleterious .. September 21

obtuse (Adjective)

Some people are just too obtuse to get the simplest things.

adroit (adjective)

She was so adroit, it was very easy to her to solve the task.

deleterious (adjective)

Too much smoking is deleterious to your health.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Scarlet Letter .. Chapter Two - The Market-Place .. Post #7 - 8 - 9 && 10

"The grass-plot before the jail, in Prison Lane[...]" (Pg. 47, ll.1ff)

Hawthorne describes the setting of the chapter.

The chain of ancestry (Pg. 48, ll. 12)

The chain of ancestry is a metaphor to describe the characteristics and habits of mothers giving birth to children. It says that every child has the beauty, a physical frame and a character from its mother, but it is not there fully and in the same amount as the mother has those thing.
Does this have to do with the child and the further plot of the novel?

The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter - The 'A' on Hester Prynne's chest - stands for unfaithfulness and sins.
Even though it means such a worse thing in that society it is sticked on her dress in such an ornamental way. On page 53, lines 8-9 it says "...of deepest sin...".
As red is the color of love, passion and sin and a scarlet red is a deep red, this letter stands for the deep sin mentioned in this paragraph. Again Hawthorne uses red to describe something, even if sin and shame are the complete opposite of the purity of the rose-bush it seems as he uses red a lot to describe things.
Memo to myself: Looking out for things that could be red.

Comparison to Mary

For some reason Hester and her child remember me of Mary and Jesus. Just as in the bible she has a child and its not her husband that procreated it, it is some one else who is not clear. Mary was ridiculed because she claimed of having a child from God and Hester is ridiculed because of having a child from somebody else than her husband.
Moreover she is described as something with such an unnormal beauty with her clothes and her way she stands over the crowd. She nearly has something holy.

The Scarlet Letter .. Chapter Two - The Market-Place .. Characterization Hester Prynne .. Post #6

. Hester Prynne .

Hester Prynne is a tall young woman that lives in the Massachusetts Colony, Boston in the 17th Century ["... on a certain summer morning, not less than two centuries ago..." (Pg. 47, ll. 1-2) - the book was first published in 1850].  She used to live in England with her Father and her Mother with died before she came to Massachusetts. ["... her native village, in Old England, and her paternal home;" (Pg. 54, ll. 29-30) - "...even since her death..." (Pg. 54, ll. 36-37)] and she left for Massachusetts with an older guy, that is not there, when the plot of chapter two happens.
Hester Prynne has dark hair, deep black eyes and in general her appearance is described as a beautiful young lady that stands out of the crowd. She is a very brave and self-confident person, maybe at least a bit arrogant ["... and yet a haughty smile and a glance that would not be abashed..." (Pg. 50, ll. 10-11)]
On her chest there is a scarlet letter printed, decorated with gold, that matches to her garments, which says that she is kind of a precious person and it 'seemed to express the attitude of her spirit, the desperate recklessness of her mood, by its wild and picturesque peculiarity' (Pg. 51, ll.1-3). The scarlet letter forms an 'A' and stands for adultery - she had born a child that is not from her husband.
The child is hold in her arms, as she walks down the market place and even holds it tighter as everybody looks at her. She doesn't want anybody to rip her child away from her - even if she get punished or even killed for it. ["... Hester Prynne set forth towards the place appointed for her punishment." (Pg. 50, ll. 35-37)]

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Scarlet Letter .. Chapter One - The Prison-Door .. Post #5

The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

This chart sums up the content of the English lesson on September 17th.

The Scarlet Letter .. Chapter One - The Prison-Door .. Post # 2 - 3 && 4

"A throng of bearded men, in sad-colored garments [...] and studded with iron spikes."

In this paragraph the Puritan people are described. They all wear the same grey clothes and the same hats so there is nothing different on them. What would happen, if somebody wore something else?

"[...] in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilized society, a prison."

Hawthorne uses a black flower to describe the prison. Black usually stands for death and cruelty, so the black flower describes the prison as a place of death.

"[...] was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems [...]"

On the other hand he uses a rose-bush to picture purity and freedom, especially religious freedom. It's used as the opposite of the black flower - black stands for death . roses are usually red  and that color stands for love and passion. Seems as he likes to play with colors?

The Scarlet Letter - Questions - Post #1

What colony is the setting for the novel?
The colony is the Massachusetts Colony, Boston

Where in the colony does the opening chapter take place?
It takes place 'somewhere in the vicinity of Cornhill' at a prison house.

For what 2 “practical necessities” did the new colony set aside land?
On part was taken for a cemetery, another part was taken for the site of a prison.

Who is Anne Hutchinson?
Anne Hutchinson is a British woman, who settled in 1634 with her husband to Massachusetts. She had other religious thoughts and views than the Puritans there and so she got banished. After that she went to Rhode Island to found a religious liberal colony. She was murdered in 1643 by Indians in the state which is today known as New York, where she had moved earlier.

What 2 possible symbols does the rose have for the reader?
Hawthorne uses the rose bush as a comparison with two different meanings. The first meaning is the comparison to Anne Hutchinson, the second a comparison to purity and religion.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Voc words .. Alacrity . Timorous .. September 16th

Alacrity (Noun)
His alacrity was the reason that he won the race.

Timorous (Adjective)
As she was so timorous, she ran down the street instead of walking it down.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Vocabulary Words .. Reticent . Rigor .. September 15th


He was so reticent yesterday, he hardly said anything.


Rigor in darts is very important because you have to throw it very exactly.

The very brief relation of the devastation of the Indies

Draft 1.


-understanding suppression of indians better
-background for reservations etc.
-to understand cruelty of spanish people
-settlement of European people – history of USA/inhabitants

The very brief relation of the devastation of the indies

What would be if there were two groups of people in this world?
 Just two.
One group is the superior one. They can do whatever they want to do, in a country that is not even theirs. The other group is kept as slaves to work and work until they die. And that is meant literally.
Imagine you would sit at home just doing all the things you do everyday and suddenly there would be men kicking in the door and just take over your life, make it their life. They can do whatever they want to do with your life.
It sounds kind of ridiculous but  it is nearly the same as it happened before. Not just once. Not twice. It had happened often in History. One example of this is the suppression and devastation of the Indies in this country hundred of years ago.
It is very important to know about this excerpt and also to read it. What happened to this people still happens today. Not in the same way. There is no Spanish man on a horse that tries to stab you to death with his sword but still people get suppressed, hurt, beaten or even killed just because they have a special sex or race. People try to bring others down because they feel better. More Superior and just allowed to do that and that is the reason why it is so important to read this excerpt.
It is not just about suppression today but first to get what happened earlier. What did those people do and why did they something that is so inhuman? How did it all affected the United States today? That is still the main reason and the biggest problem: It is still going on today.

When Columbus wanted to travel to India in 1492 everything started. He landed in America as all of you know and so he called those people Indians based on the thoughts he was in India. About five yeas after that English people came to Newfoundland and the Spanish people settled in Florida. That was the reason everything started. While the Native Americans wanted to help Europeans with using the nature in the right way, the Europeans used it wrong and tried to get more land from the Natives. They brought diseases and so a lot of Natives died because of that.
A lot of the Natives tried to fight against it but the arms of the Europeans were just too strong so they didn't have any chance to win.
To be contrary a lot of Indians died and the Spanish people made a pact. For every Spanish person get killed by a Native, the Spanish will kill a hundred Natives. So as you can tell it ended that a lot of Indians died and they lost a big amount of land to the Europeans.
In contracts to find peace they lost even more land and the Spanish people started to deal with the Indians.
So the slavery got to the Natives.
They had to work for white people until they were dead, caused from too much work, starvation or diseases. When an Indian was too old or too weak, he was ill or starving you could not deal with him anymore because he got worthless.
A lot of them has to work as divers for finding pearls.
They were just thrown into the ocean to dive and when they wanted to come up again, exhausted and tired from work, they were just thrown in again and again.
Within the last hundred years it had changed.
Some things got worse, some got better.
In 1830 an Indian Removal Act was created and consequently a lot of Indians were kept in Reservations, that still exist today. Thirty-Nine years later, in 1869, a transcontinantal railway was finished that connected the east- with the westcoast and so white people got to the west where they started to suppress the Indians too.
Fifty-five years later, in 1924, six years after the first World War ended, a few Indians were able to get an American Citizenship for the first time in history and that was just caused because they served the Army during that war. In 1934 then, ten years later, Indians got a right on their culture and to exercise it. Those were the better things that happened but still today Indians get suppressed as you can see that Reservations still exist and the living conditions in there are bad. Very bad.
Barely anybody has work, poverty is one of the biggest problems and drugs and alcohol is consumed so much, because it's dulling the pain so much.
Today there are about a Million Indian people living in America out of about 300 Million inhabitants. That makes an amount of about 1% Indians, or one Indian among a hundred other inhabitants.

What would be if this happened again?
It still sounds ridiculous but it really happened and as some people say: History is cyclical.
It could happen again. it coul. It doesnt have to.
Do something against it and dont let it happen again.
What would this world be if you are slaved for other people you do not even know.
What when you just get killed for being ill or too old?
Do not let it happen again because this you are a part of this world and you can change it with everything you do and say.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Reticent (adjective) When you dont talk as much as other people (Zurueckhaltend)
Rigor (Noun) When you do something very exact (Genauigkeit)
Alacrity (Noun) How much you want something (Bereitwilligkeit)
Timorous (adjective) if you are afraid (aengstlich)
obtuse (Adjective) If you dont get something really fast (Stur, begriffsstutzig)
adroit (adjective) If you are very clever (geschickt, clever)
deleterious (adjective) If something/someone is not good for you (Schaedlich)
brevity (noun) Short (Kuerze)
adulation (noun) If you admire somebody (Bewunderung)
histrionic (adjective) melodramaic (spauspielerisch, theatralisch)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vocabulary list .. capitulate . celestial .. September 7th

Capitulate (Verb)

As Germany capitulated in World War II, the war was over a few days later.

Celestial (Adjective)

Because the night was quite celestial we could see a lot of shooting stars.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Vocabulary list .. Catalyst . Caustic .. September 3rd

Catalyst (Noun)

The death of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo 1914 was the catalyst for World War I.

Caustic (Adjective)

His caustic attitude annoyed many people.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Iroquois Constitution .. Page 90 1-5 .. September 1st

1a.  Dekanawidah planted the Tree of the Great Peace with the Five Nations confederate lords.
2a. Dekenawidah is speaking to Abodarhoh, the confederate lord of Onondaga. In Onondaga the council fire was lit.
3a. A Candidate lord shows his pledge to the council by furnishing four strings of shells or wampum one span in length bound together at one end. It shows that he agrees with the pledge that he will live according to the constitution of the Great Peace and exercise justice in all affairs. After that a speaker shall say: “Now behold him. He has now become a confederate lord. See how splendid he looks.”

1b.I think they meet because they’ve planted the Tree of the Great Peace and  they need to talk about all the rules they have to know and about how they must live under the Tree. The lords had to have good oratory skills because if they were talking about something and no one would understand what they are talking about, no one would believe it, so it was kind of important.

2b. Dekanawidah doesn't really mean real cousins, so they are not really related. When he speaks of 'Cousin Lords' he means that all the lords have a close relationship and they help each other with problems.

3b. A leader should be proof against anger, offensive actions and criticism. His heart should be filled with peace and good will and his mind should be filled with a yearning for the welfare of the people of the confederacy. On the other hand a leader should not dwell in fury but he shall be calm and even-tempured. Moreover he should not be selfish, but act for society.

4a. Every time a council is hold, the Onondaga lord shall open it by thanking earth for living there, for having water as in pools and lakes, for having oxygen and food as trees and animals and to get clothes from them. Additionally they shall thank for the wind, the moon, the sun, mighty warrior and for God.

4b. The relationship of the Native Americans to the nature shows, that they don’t misuse what nature gave them. They don’t take it away without thanking for it and they don’t hurt it without any reason.

5a. I think there are a lot of points that have similarities to a government, such as elect lords, so they have some kind of democracy in it. Moreover all the people under the Tree of the Great Peace shall use their skills for good things, not for harm. They shall not be self-interested, but they shall make laws and act for the society. So I think there are a lot of aspects that equal a government.

5b. I would use a lot of  laws and aspects from this constitution, because their actions and thoughts are based on peace, freedom, not to hurt nature and a simple way of democracy. If I had the chance to create an own government it should be build on a ground of peace and everybody should help eachother. There should be a leader but he or she shouldnt have so many rights. Just at the beginning to keep all the things working that they have to do. After a while the leader should lose a few of his or her rights because everytime there is somebody who has more rights than other people there are people who start hating and that leads to war. But there should be some kind of meetings to get things into a right order and to talk about stuff that you have to talk about.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Vocabulary .. Callous . Capricious .. September 1st

Callous (Adjective)

The callous man killed the woman because she cheated on him.

Capricious (Adjective)

As he is so capricious you never know what he does next.