1. Actually a good father would try to make his son a better person than himself but Pap obviously doesnt want Huck to be better as him, what makes him a bad father.
2. The Court refuses to give Huck protection from his Dad even though his dad is worse than everybody else. That shows that a blood relation ship or a family is worth a lot more than good people.
3. The life at the shanty reflects freedom, especially fredom from the society. It is where he grew up, what he is used to and as he goes back to it he gets used to it again.
4. Pap is upset that a nigger is so much better than him, he is rich, he wears jewelry, he is even allowed to vote.
5. Freedom is reflected. Huck tries to get away from his Dad, which he belongs to according to society. Jim is trying to get away from Watson and they both are worth a lot of money.
6. No i dont think that it wouldnt have worked because Tom reflects romanticism and would have tried to make it thrilling and so in the last minute everything would have gone wrong.
7. Last supper. Rebirth. Bread should have found a dead body, it found him, but he just eats it. It says the bread should have found him, and it did find him, in a living condition, but it found him. So prayer works for some things, but not for him.
8. jim thought Huck was a ghost ---> superstition. He was afraid, that huck is gonna kill him.
9. Huck doesnt have a past to worry about. They thought he was dead, now a person now he is alive, he got reborn. Now Huck knows, that Jim ran away, his knows that it is a crime, but he aint tell.
10. Abolitionist is one of the worst things you can call a person in this society. It is kind of ironic. Not wanting slaves is actually kind of good, but in this society it is one of the worst things ever.
11. He knows things because of his past, because of things that have happened to him or his family before. Also he applies superstition to things that happen.
12. I think it is typical for Huck, He plays the trick because he wants to have fun, he does not believe in the superstition and he does not understand the thing he is doing. He does not mean something bad with it. But he learns, that this was bad and he still want not to hurt anybody, so he is not gonna play this kind of trick again.
14. She exaggerates. She said it had been 20 thousand dollars, but in real it were just 12 thousand dollars.
15. Pap is worth 200 Dollars, Jim is worth 300 Dollars. Pap is a murderer, Jim is a runaway slave. In this society a runaway slave is worth a lot more than a murderer.
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