1. People in Arkansas are kinda cruel. They torture dogs til they die, have dog fights, they are in mobs, trying to get a person, lynch him and they think it is totally fun to do it. Also they just kill Boggs, because he violated the pride of a person.
2. He knows that they are hypocrites, he just looks what they are doing but he doesnt want to participate in it. He also doesnt argue against them because he doesnt wanna get into trouble with them.
3. The idea of honor being a really high thing that should be protected is reflected. Also that people are curious and sightseeing as Bogg was killed and they dont want to miss anything.
4. The Duke and the King think that people really want to watch Shakespeare, because it is Shakespeare. But in the end there is hardly anybody watching it.
5. He is an unreliable Narrator. He thinks the guy in the circus got fooled, but in the end he didnt.
6. The advertisement wants to provoke the people who read that. It tells them that women and children are not allowed to watch the show so it must be something secret. People usually like to watch things like that.
7. Twain compares the two frauds with real kings and dukes. Real kings and dukes usually are hypocrites too. They want other peoples money and things for them and they dont care if those people want to give something to the royalty, they just take it.
8. Huck gets another view of Jim. He realizes that Jim loves his family, he misses them. He doesnt only think of his children, he also reflects on his doings earlier and what he did, how that effected his daughter and him and that he cannot forgive himself.
- huck is adopted by the widow douglas. She makes him go to school, etc.
- Huck joins Tom saeyers gang, which presents to kill people and steal things, but they dont do anything.
- Huck gives money to judge
- Pap comes around and tries to get him away from school etc.
- Pap steals Huck and brings him to illinois shore
- People try to get Huck away from there
- Huck fakes his death and flees on a canoe to Jackson's island
- He finds Jim on the island who ran away cause Miss Watson wanted to sell him down to new orleans
- Huck plays prank on jim, who gets bit by a Snake
- Huck and Jim go to floating house, where a man lies and where they get dresses
- Huck goes back to land, dresses up as a girl, which fails
- Womans husband goes to island, cause he saw smoke
- Pap is worth 200 Dollars, Jim 300
- Leave --> Walter Scott
- Gang of 3 people killing one of members
- Huck goes to boat man, tells he is related to the rich guy, and his family is on the Walter Scott.
- Huck plays another trick on jim, they get lost in the fog for night
- Raft gets hit by steamboat, they dive, get into Ginger..., get friends with Buck, get into feud of Shepherdsons and Gingerpeople
- George Jackson -> Jim -> Feud
- Meeting the Duke and the King, who are running away from town
- playing Shakespear, no one watches it
- playing Royal nonsuch, everybody watches it
-Boggs coming to town, wanting to kill Sherburn, Boggs gets killed --> Bible under head
- Going to the circus, gets fooled by drunk person riding the horse.
Good answers.