Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Scarlet Letter .. Chapter Twelve - The Minister's Vigil .. Post #35

"... this morning on the scaffold, where evil-doers are set up to public shame. Satan dropped it there, I take it, intending a scurrilous jest against your reverence. A pure hand needs no glove to cover it!" (Page 138)

The Minister's glove has been found on the scaffold. As the Minister is holy they don't believe that he has been up on the scaffold. So they say Satan has been up on the scaffold. But the minister knows that his hand is not pure and he indeed needs a glove to cover it because he is a sinner. Could it be, that he wants to be caught? That it was on purpose that the glove has been on the scaffold? Did he just let it there?

1 comment:

  1. Note that gloves appeared before in this book - when, Hester went to deliver gloves to the governor's mansion.
